You can also search Microsoft for the Windows 7 Hardware compatibilty tool to run on Vista to identify potential driver/hardware problems beforehand. touchpad, fingerprint reader, card reader, smart card reader) You may also want to email Lenovo support to ask if they are going to provide drivers/software support for Windows 7 for your model to assist in determining whether you'll be able to migrate to Windows 7. (You may want to search the drivers for your specific model as I did an all model search) Do the same for any other hardware issues regarding unique switching or key combinations or hardware. It seems that they have Vista 圆4 drivers for the devices. Ensure the BIOS is the most recent and try installing the Vista drivers/software package for the bluetooth from Lenovo here. These should work. Notebooks sometimes require the manufacturer's drivers/software for interoperability and correct functioning as they engineer the hardware and drivers uniquely.