The blockade was broken by the arrival of the Millennium Falcon, which destroyed one of Zahra's light cruisers and allowed the survivors of the attack to escape. Commanding from the Tarkin's Will, Zahra led her forces in blockading the Fourth Division, trapping the rebels between a star and her assault group. Not long after the Battle of Hoth, Zahra cornered the Fourth Division of the Rebel armada at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three using a signal analysis protocol to pinpoint the enemy fleet's location. Zahra overlooks the battle from the bridge. Renamed after the Grand Moff who held command of the Death Star, the Tarkin's Will would go on to serve Zahra as she hunted the remnants of the Alliance Fleet. Zahra filled the crew of the ship with others who had lost friends and family at Yavin.
Zahra, who lost someone close to her on board the Death Star, chose the ship because of its history, hoping that its scarred surface would serve as a reminder of the crimes of the Rebel Alliance.
And an instrument of vengeance for everyone who died with it.' ―Zahra, to Gorr īefore the ship could be scuttled, it was handpicked by Commander Ellian Zahra to become her flagship following the Battle of Hoth. ' This vessel is a memorial to the great tragedy of the Death Star.